Saturday, September 13, 2008

Childbirth Education Classes

Childbirth Education Classes

Sept. 10, 2008 - Class 1: Why natural childbirth? ,Nutrition & Exercise
Sept. 17, 2008 - Class 2: Pregnancy, Belly mapping, & Stages of Labor
Sept. 24, 2008 - Class 3: Choosing your care provider, Birth Choices, & Doulas
Oct. 1, 2008 - Class 4: Hospital setting, Interventions, Unexpected situations & your Birth plan
Oct. 8, 2008 - Class 5: Conquering Birth Fears, Relaxation, Coaching & Coping techniques
Oct. 15, 2008 - Class 6: Postpartum period, Breastfeeding, Newborn care, & Baby wearing

These classes are set up in such a way that you can pick and choose which information is most important to you and attend on those days. It is not a traditional classroom setting. It's a comfortable discussion between expectant parents and an experienced childbirth professional on specific topics. Group size is small so there is time to address individual situations and concerns. Come for one night of class or come for them all.
Course content focuses on understanding childbirth issues and the benefits and risks of interventions and the importance of choosing the right care provider for you. We will discuss the process of birth as well as how our current societal traditions and expectations affect birth to help you in your decision-making process. Labor coping techniques will be taught in a down-to-earth, hands-on manner incorporating many tried and true methods.
A hand out packet with review information of what we have covered will be included with each class. Preregistration is highly encouraged as walk-ins will only be permitted if space allows.
$40 per couple per class or $200 for the whole series that saves $30 off classes
Please call Dy Gordon at 435-215-6514 for more information.

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